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What is the Life Expectancy for All Types of Dogs?

life expectancy for all types of dogs

Wouldn’t it be a fabulous world if dogs lived as long as humans do? Know the life expectancy for all types of dogs in this article.

Your best friend could be by your side from birth through old age.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the world we live in. Perhaps there’s an alternate universe:  somewhere dogs live decades and decades.

Many people wonder, “what is the life expectancy for all types of dogs?”

It really depends: some dogs pass away at a fairly young age while others do, in fact, live a healthy life for many years.

Although dogs may not live very long lives, you can help give your dog the best quality of life possible – and he or she will certainly return the favor.

The Life Expectancy for All Types of Dogs

On average, dogs live to about 11 years – this number varies drastically based on many factors.

Think about it: the average life expectancy differs for humans living in different countries, why would dogs be any different?

It’s also generally assumed that each year of a dog’s life equals about seven human years. However, this number doesn’t quite reflect a dog’s growth and personality.

A more accurate representation would be to say that your dog is a teenager by the time she celebrates her first birthday.

If you’re really interested in figuring out your dog’s “human” age, use the average life expectancy for humans in your country and the average life expectancy for your dog’s breed to complete a calculation.

Here is the average life expectancy for many popular dog breeds:

    1. Boxer: 8-10
    2. Labrador: 10-12
    3. Jack Russel Terrier: 13
    4. Setter: 10-14
    5. Pointer: 11-15
    6. Chihuahua: 14-18
    7. Bloodhound: 10-12
    8. Border collie: 10-14
    9. Silky terrier: 11-14
    10. Rottweiler: 8-10
    11. Saint Bernard: 8-10
    12. Husky: 11-13
    13. Bullmastiff: 8-10
    14. Pit-bull type: 12-14
    15. Bulldog: 9-11
    16. Shar-pei: 8-10
    17. Golden retriever: 10-13
    18. Greyhound: 10-13
    19. Pomeranian: 12-16
    20. Pug: 12-15
    21. Yorkie: 14-16

As you can see, there is quite a bit of variation even within each breed. Ironically, small dogs tend to live longer than large and strong breeds. Dogs under 20 pounds tend to live about ten years longer than dogs over 90 pounds, for example.

Signs of Aging in Dogs

It’s important to keep an eye on your dog’s health – not all signs of aging in dogs are super obvious.

You should look for certain indications that your dog’s health is starting to decline. This can help you care for your dog and make him as comfortable as possible.

Just because your dog is getting older it doesn’t necessarily indicate he’s starting to age. Look for these factors as well as any other changes in your dog’s health, body, or behavior.

  • Weight: Any drastic changes in weight (either loss or gain).
  • Vision: Poor vision or eyes with a cloudy appearance.
  • Urination: Older dogs may urinate much more often and have frequent accidents.
  • Sleep habits: An aging dog will sleep much more often, longer, and deeper.
  • Demeanor: He or she may frequently become confused, lethargic, or dizzy.

How to Help Your Dog Live the Longest Life Possible

No matter the average life expectancy for all types of dogs, you can help your dog age with grace and comfort. Keep them as healthy as possible by following these crucial tips.

  • Keep Him Active: Regular exercise can help ward off signs of aging and heart disease. If your dog’s energy has dipped, just go for some short walks.
  • Take Him to the Vet: Don’t skip routine checkups. Keep your dog up-to-date with tests and vaccines.
  • Stick to a Healthy Diet: Dogs can develop diabetes and heart disease, too.
  • Always Neuter or Spay: This can reduce your dog’s risk for developing reproductive cancers and other conditions.
  • Keep Things Calm: Dogs’ bodies don’t like cortisol (the stress hormone) either.
  • Dental Care is Important: Diseased teeth can make your dog very sick. Keep up with oral hygiene.

Caring for Your Dogs as They Age

What can you do to make sure your dog is comfortable as she ages?

Always adapt to their changing behavior. If they can’t handle long walks or jogs anymore, don’t force it – keep things relaxed.

Remember to create a stress-free environment for your friend. Aging humans don’t like loud noise and drastic changes in their vicinity – your dog is no different. Make sure he has a designated space of his own and lots of comfy places to rest.

Know when it’s time to let go.

Old dogs can still live satisfying lives through the aging process, but it’s important to know their limits. If your dog is having trouble walking or holding their bowels, he is probably in a lot of physical and emotional pain.
